Honours BA (McGill), PhD (Dalhousie), Residency (Royal Ottawa Health Care Group).
Dr. Douglas is a registered Clinical Forensic Psychologist, who works at Forensic Mental Health Services, Providence Care and is appointed as an Assistant Professor (Adjunct) with the Department of Psychiatry, in the Forensic & Correctional Psychiatry Division. Dr. Douglas’ primary clinical interests are in the areas of specialized forensic assessment and intervention for patients with complex presenting problems. Her research interests include psychopathology and offending, subtypes of violence, and imminent risk for violence. Dr. Douglas is currently leading a project on the development and implementation of an assessment, communication, and risk management approach for imminent inpatient aggression. Psychiatry Residents and Clinical Clerks may gain exposure to violence risk assessment, feigning assessment, and cognitive behavioural approaches to intervention under the supervision of Dr. Douglas. Dr. Douglas also supervises trainees from the PhD Program in Clinical Psychology at Queen’s and as part of registration with the College of Psychologists.