Dr. Taras Reshetukha obtained his undergraduate medical degree in Ternopil State Medical University, Ukraine. He completed his residency training in Psychiatry at Queens University and joined General Adult Division of Queen’s Department of Psychiatry.
Dr. Reshetukha has a special clinical interest in Addiction and Emergency Psychiatry. He provides concurrent disorder clinical services through outpatient department at Hotel Dieu Hospital and AMHS-KFLA community agency. Dr. Reshetukha also provides psychiatric coverage to Emergency departments in Kingston General and Hotel Dieu Hospitals.
His main research interest is Suicide and Suicide Risk Assessment; he is a co-investigator on the research project that looks into involuntary admissions. Dr. Reshetukha is a part of the team that works on design, implementation and evaluation of online psychotherapy clinic. He is teaching Emergency Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry at Queen’s Undergraduate Medical School and actively involved with teaching on postgraduate level.